What’s Next with Lisa Scott
A podcast for all ages and all walks all life. If you're human this podcast is for you. Lisa Scott is a licensed professional counselor who has developed techniques to start living a more authentic, fulfilled life, by taking common theories from the therapy world and making them relatable and something people can connect to. Anger, sadness, anxiety, self worth, authenticity and how to take your power back are just of the the concepts she discusses. email her at whatsnextwithlisa@gmail.com to ask your questions and listen to her give advice on the air.
What’s Next with Lisa Scott
Managing Shame and Your Internal Dialogue
July 16, 2021
Season 2
In this episode, Lisa goes through how to meet yourself with compassion and kindness to motivate you to do big things. Navigating the world from a place of love and compassion actually allows you to achieve more than you ever thought possible! listen in as Lisa tells you why shame and anger actually keep you stuck, and what to do to move yourself forward and connect to your worth.
email her at whatsnextwithlisa@gmail.com
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