What’s Next with Lisa
A podcast for all ages and all walks all life. If you're human this podcast is for you. Lisa is a licensed professional counselor and psychotherapist who has developed techniques to start living a more authentic, fulfilled life, by taking common theories from the therapy world and making them relatable and something people can connect to. Anger, sadness, anxiety, self worth, authenticity and how to take your power back are just some of the the concepts she discusses. email her at whatsnextwithlisa@gmail.com to ask your questions and listen to her give advice on the air. You can follow her on instagram @whatsnextwithlisa or check her out on YouTube at What's Next With Lisa
What’s Next with Lisa
"Book Club" Chapter 2 managing your shame
Lisa discusses chapter 2, of her book, It's Going to be Great, it's Fine I'm Fine. Lisa takes a deeper look into the effects that shame and a negative internal dialogue can have on our overall connection to our self worth and our outlook on the world. Lisa also opens up about some of her own story from her past in an effort for people to see that not trusting yourself, and shaming yourself, always leads to a negative return on emotional investment. If you haven't purchased your copy of Lisa's book you can find it on Amazon, Barnes and noble, or at the book shop at www. bookbaby.com. Just search for the title, It's going to be great, it's fine I'm fine, by Lisa Scott LPC.
If you have questions you can email Lisa at whatsnextwithlisa@gmail.com you can also find her on Instagram @whatsnextwithlisa or check out her new Facebook page and search It's going to be great it's fine I'm fine.